dah lame since my last update rite.hee ..kalo ikot kn aty macam nak deactivate dh blog nih tapi sayang jgak skali sekale nak mrepek xde tmpat ydop..coret2 arini meleret2 sgat..so kalo free bole la spend time read diz..if not..juz ignore...no tacing2 :)
btw..diz past 2 years had change me to a better person..yeaa..i'm not a girl anymore but not yet a woman..hee =P not me my self had change..my frens especially the ex-schoolmates (primary nor secondary) and ex-matrics also come thru diz phase.. appearance is one thing i notice among my dearies nowadays.... more fashionable, prettier and mature i guess...but i really respects those who already make the HIJRAH and stay istiqamah..i kind of jealous seeing them so calm and happy and live the life to please Allah solely...
i cant imagine how wonderful hidayah from Allah they had accepted till they so strong and full of faith facing all the critics from surroundings, the never ending questions from family, friends and public for their Hijrah especially who come from family yang biase2..family members yg tak pakai tudung labuh, niqab, serban or what not...i know islam is not just about the dressing..maybe i'm not that arif about hukum hakam and juz be kind of stereotype..okee...tak nak cakap lebey2 sal nie..takot tersilap kang..haaa mati den tanggung dose...nauzubillah min zalik >,<"
after diz while i just listen to my frens who slowly change their way of dressing and kept their distance as it involve hanging out with guys..hati terdetik nak berubah jugak tapi takot tak istiqamah (dats my big probs..always tak tetap pdirian)..rase diri nie lemah sangat bile sorang2..nak2 ble dh balik campus masing2..xde kawan dh nak tolong bagi kata2 semangat untuk terus berubah..bukan la nak kate frens kat u x baek..cume dey ol juz like me..the 'biase2' one..hee..still rase nak enjoy, ikot trending, coupling and so on..we know the halal and haram and tuntutan bpakaian as muslim and muslimah..but most of the time kami kalah...sob2 ..ibarat kate iman senipis kulit bawang..plus..i'm not used to go for usrah and that kind of activities held in surau or masjid due to teman n time restrictions..okee...most of the time malas is the exact word =P hee
yesterday....i found my junior's fb and blog..she is a girl a fren of mine had skandal2 during schooldays..=( she's among the hottest junior la according to him...i cant recall who she is cuz i'm not used to tawaf the school to peep on others..haha bajet baek sangat laa kan..besides, there's quite a few girls i actually notice have similar faces..or is it me yg blur2 xkenal org buat2 kenal..haha okee back to the story..so ble dh hot of cos la ramai yg nak try..so i dont know what to think of her..maybe la kan cam biase..ade la yg brubah status..single to double/triple/quadraple...heee merepek jea..soo..she juz like us yg 'biase' nih..

memang terharu sangat mase baca blog dy...blog dy xde laa meleret mcm nih..hihi...nih nak qada 2 tahon x menulis...
so ttbe diri ni rase malu sangat..adik2 pon berani untuk berubah for Islam..hotties pulak tu..why not me..kalo nk cmpare memang xde pape la kan..so insaf kejap smalam..arini i try my best utk pkai baju yang longgar2 huhu..hopefully i won't change juz to pleased peoples around..or bcz of trending..or bcoz of competing factors..ya allah...ssnguhnya Engkau maha mengetahui apa yg ade dalm stiap hati hambaMU..sekian
*nak cite satu2 kng panjang sgat jadi nyer..so byak dh tapis2..hope xde yg slah faham pasal coret2 nie oke..
*semoga hari2 esk lebih baek dari hari2 sblomnye..
*penat dh mngarang..huhu kalo ade recorder kn senang..cakap jea byak mane pon..
my doa is always belong to you my dear. slow2. perubahan itu tidak memerlukan perubahan yang drastik. keep in touch with the ceramah ustaz in utube pn bagus. kalau segan pakai earfone. hehe. :))
insya allah..=) mekaseh mamazana
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